Soal UTS 2 Bahasa Inggris ke 2

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 Bag 2


               Bidang Studi                : BAHASA INGGRIS

               K e l a s                        : V  ( LIMA ) …..

               Nama                           : …………………………


I.       Choose the right answer ( pilihlah jawaban yang benar )


1.      It’s got four bedrooms and a garden

         a. it’s quite big                      b. it’s very big                                 c. it’s small

2.      What the english of “ cumi-cumi “ …..

         a. quail                                   b. squid                                           c. squirrel

3.      I am ….. a fried rice

         a. having                               b. watching                                    c. writing

4.      This is a …..clip_image001

         a. crab                                    b. shrimp                                         c. calamary

5.      I am having ….. drink

         a. scrambled egg                  b. sandwich                                   c. soft

6.      Mr. Pratama and his family are at seafood restaurant.

         What the means of seafood

         a. makanan ringan              c. makanan laut                            c. makanan kesukaan

7.      What is this ? this is a …..clip_image002

         a. prawn                                 b. butterfly                                      c. bird’s

8.      I am writing a ….

         a. mountain                           b. beach                                          c. letter

9.      What is the picture ? clip_image003

         a. shelf                                   b. shell                                            c. sharp

10.    what is the picture ? clip_image004

         a. I’m speaking on the phone

         b. I’m listening to music

         c. I’m reading a story

11.    I’m …… a mountain

         a. drawing                             b. listening                                     c. writing

12.    What is this ? clip_image006

         a. share the self                   b. show the shell                           c. shell the shoes


13.    What is the picture ?

         a. circle                                  b. square                                        c. rectangle

14.    The table is dirty. What the means of dirty

         a. bersih                                 b. rapi                                              c. kotor

15.    The candy is ……

         a. bitter                                   b. sweet                                          c. sour

16.    What is the picture ? clip_image009

         a. bedroom                            b. bathroom                                    c. big house

17.    A : what are you ……. for lunch Sheila ?

         B : just sandwich

         a. listening                            b. having                                        c. smelling

18.    A : What are you …… Mike ?

         B : a letter

         a. drawing                             b. listening                                     c. writing 

19.    I’m ……..delicious soup

         a. speaking                           b. smelling                                      c. listening

20.    I’m reading a magazine

         What the means of magazine

         a. buku                                   b. majalah                                       c. komik


II.      Arrange the words into a good  the sentences

21.    house – big – is – your – how

22.    having – I’m – soft drink

23.    having – they – are – together – dinner

24.    I’m – music – listening – to

25.    I’m – park – in – the – jogging


III.     Translate into english and indonesian !

26.    I,m reading a story

27.    Apa yang kamu tulis ?

28.    I’m watching a cartoon film

29.    Shell the shoes

30.    it’s got one bedroom, one bathroom and one small kitchen

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